The many benefits of speaking engagements and events
Now is the time to carve out that speaking career you have always wanted to develop, and here is how you can make it a success.
The chance to connect is something we’ve always taken for granted, whether it is business networking, finding new clients, or even promoting our work. But with the Covid-19 outbreak, the business world has had to think of new ways to connect as offices have all but closed, and events have been canceled or gone virtual.
With our world-changing overnight, it is easy to think that you will have to put your speaking career on the backburner. But now is actually an ideal time to start sourcing public speaking opportunities and building up a strong list of contacts for the future.
It’s time to take your speaking services where your audience is – online. Virtual speaking engagements are available as both businesses and event planners take their services into the digital world, and unpaid speaking events present an excellent opportunity to network and get your name out there.
If you want to be a public speaker, the unique challenges of the Covid-19 outbreak mean now is the best time for you to engage with virtual event planners and take advantage of new opportunities. Not only do you have a chance to promote your business or work, but you are also building important connections. Your cooperation now allows a planner to see what it’s like working with you and plug you into future public speaking opportunities.
Through virtual speaking engagements, you’ll expose your audience base to a new form of engagement and show the planner what you can offer their events. This is an opportunity for us all to bring our skills, networks, and resources together to create informative events that benefit everyone involved.
How can virtual event services benefit you?
As the events industry adapts to a post-Covid-19 world, many companies have taken their services online. There are platforms that can recreate even the biggest corporate events, exhibitions, and conferences online, and they need all the same services, providing you opportunities to be a public speaker despite social distancing requirements.
Whether you are an author, a coach, or a business person, have a podcast or your own brand, you’ll benefit from engaging in online public speaking opportunities by collaborating with event planners.
You may be asked to offer your services for free as planners work out which speakers they would most like to work with, but the benefits are threefold, with opportunities to promote your brand, networks and show your own followers how in-demand you are.
Virtual events are often free or very affordable for attendees, which can mean even more significant audience numbers. They also function just like in-person events. You set up an exhibition stall, take part in networking opportunities and break-out sessions, and enjoy listening to the exciting roster of other speakers on the main stage.
Collaboration and mutual benefits
When planners put these events together and approach speakers to commit to a free speaking engagement, they are actually creating a whole series of benefits for everyone involved.
Speakers, audiences, hosting companies, and planning agencies can all reap the rewards from a successful event, ensuring they are a win-win for everyone involved. Here is how each event can benefit everyone involved:
- Speaker: To be a public speaker means positioning yourself as an expert in your field, giving both current and future clients a chance to learn more and engage with your work. You can promote your event to followers, stir up interest, and get people excited about the value they’ll receive. Since people can attend from anywhere, you have the chance to connect with audiences around the world and build your reputation for future speaking opportunities. It is also a chance to promote yourself, keep growing, and collaborate with others to keep the economy moving.
- Audience: Online audiences get the chance to network, listen to a favorite speaker, learn more about key topics, and even find possible clients or future collaborators. The latest hosting platforms allow opportunities to mingle or meet one-on-one so that guests can make meaningful connections with ease. All they have to do is sign up, check-in online, and get started.
- Hosting company: The company hosting the event benefits when a speaker brings a new audience to their platform. They have the chance to become a star attraction and share interesting information about their services. Speakers, event planners, and audience members alike have the chance to engage with their product and discover the ways they can work with the company on future projects.
- Planning agency: The planning agency gets a fantastic opportunity to connect with familiar faces and bring new people together. Event planners are thrilled to utilize the wonders of virtual events to facilitate connections, even in these unusual circumstances. Virtual event services are also a great opportunity for planning agencies to discover new speakers. When planners connect with strong speakers who know how to bring a crowd and delight an audience, the potential for future collaboration unfolds.
Redefining connection
We know the past few months have been trying for many businesses and individuals. We hope that despite the challenges, you’re able to harness opportunities to keep moving forward. Working together on projects like online events and public speaking opportunities are ways that we can continue to thrive together.
Despite the uncertainty we face, using the tools we have at hand can help us continue to create memorable encounters. Utilizing virtual event services in an excellent way to facilitate this connection and communicate your message to the world.
If you’d like to be a public speaker at a virtual speaking engagement or event, get in touch. We would love to hear more about you, your expertise, and what you could bring to the world of online events. This is an opportunity for everyone involved to benefit and keep growing our businesses and brands. By working together, we can take advantage of new opportunities and build our own bright futures.
Contact us at info@opulenteventsbygracie.com
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